Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013

Victorian Corset

Have I ever mentioned that I'm a big fan of steampunk? As this is only my fourth post, probably not, but now you know. After recently talking to a friend about the subject, I decided (once again) to try to make a steampunk-costume. Any steampunk-costume needs a proper corset, and mine's going to be in dark blue brocade. Some day, anyway. For now, as I've never made a (good, working) corset before, my trial run is going to be in green cotton. I may be able to use it as simple victorian underwear, if I ever get to make a victorian gown ;)
First time pinning and tracing. I numbered the pattern pieces so I wouldn't confuse them later on

I drafted my own pattern, using this guide.  After cutting out my mock-up and pinning it together, I was surprised how well it fit me. The only adjustment I did so far was reducing the back panel by 2cm for to have a gap there at all - I could close the mock up edge to edge.
I don't have a dressform here, so this is the best I could do to try the fit
I then used the mock-up as pattern pieces on some rough black fabric I spontaneously decided to use as flat-lining (only because the white linen I had intended for that purpose proved to be too small) and cut that out.
Second time pinning (but no tracing this time ;) )
On the green cotton that is to be the outer layer I used my paper pattern pieces again.
Third time pinning and tracing. Are you noticing a theme here?
I cut once more and then had to connect the green fabric (which was still pinned to the paper pattern-pieces) to the black fabric (still pinned to the mock-up, which I'm probably going to use as my inner lining, by the way).
This pile of pieces will hopefully turn into a beautiful corset :)
More unpinning and pinning until I was ready to stick my pins into the arm of the friend who gave the idea, had he been there. Lucky for him (and our friendship, I guess) I finally got done and won't have to do too much pinning anytime soon.
The next step will be to connect all the green to all the black pieces using a basting stitch (that's flat lining for you, I hope I got it right ;) ) and then I'll be able to start to sew the respective piecces together. That'll give me enough time to buy some boning (I will try to use zip-ties, as I've read AmericanDuchess do, but I'm not sure if they'll be any good since she only boned 18th century stays with them, to my knowledge).
As I still have to go to universtity in my free time, I will leave you with this, and go to bed. I'm very excited about this project :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wenn du das nächste machst, reduzier in Taillenhöhe 2 cm in der Länge. es ist etwas zu lang und ich kann Dir aus Erfahrung sagen, dass das auf die Dauer sehr unangenehm zu tragen ist.

    Hüfteinsätze sind auch super.

    Ich hab Dich auf Facebook bei historical sew fortnightly gesehen.
    Liebe Grüße!
