Sonntag, 22. September 2013

I almost forgot...

that I had some pictures to show you! I finished the green corset. And while working on it, I figured that I had finally something to enter into the Historical Sew Fortnightly! (For those of you who don't know what that is, click on that link, read that post and every other post in her blog that has to do with the hsf - it's just amazing!)
I've been ogling all those fantastic creations forever without ever having something to enter myself, but here I go.
No shift, no self-timer (took this on my
phone because I couldn't find my camera)
and waay too little hip
The Challenge: #19: Wood, Metal and Bone

Fabric: Green Cotton and and some unaccountable, probably synthetic, but very sturdy lining fabric from Ikea

Pattern: This.

Year: The pattern says late 1870's...?

Notions: Hooks-and-eyes-tape, satin(?) ribbon, zip ties for the boning

How historically accurate is it? uhm... it is called a corset and corsets were worn in that era, but other than that not at all. I could overlook all the wrong materials if it would at least give me the proper support and silhouette it's supposed to, but it doesn't. Well, better luck next time :)

Hours to complete: never timed it, so no clue.

First worn: for the pictures

Total cost: maybe 10-15€ for the zip ties and the hooks-and-eyes-tape, everything else was from stash. Yay, at least it's a cheap failure ;)

Oh - and it's currently laced with bright blue and green shoelaces because I didn't have anything else, but I don't know under which point to file that info ;)
At least it looks nice from behind :)

I have an idea of ripping up the side seams up to the waist and putting in some hip gussets for some more curving (and to have somewhere for that squish to go, as the Laced Angel puts it).
Does anyone have any ideas if that will work at all? Or should I just go with making a new, improved version all together? After all, this was only supposed to be a trial run?

2 Kommentare:

  1. Beim nächsten mussrt Du auch die Front überarbeiten. Da dürftemn keine Wellen/ Falten an der Front seitlich sein.
    Leider werden solche Stelle auf die Dauer super unbequem.

    Entweder müssen da noch Tunnel rein oder Die Frontseite sollte vielleicht besser in zwei Schnitteile aufgeteilt werden mit zusätzlichen Tunneln.

    Wenn ich Dein Korsett so sehe, bekomme ich unglaubliche Lust auch mal wieder eines für mich zu nähen. Mein letztes liegt jetzt fast 5 Jahre zurück. das ist definitiv zu lange.

    Liebe Grüße!

  2. Danke, ich werde das Muster komplett neu zeichnen, hab inzwischen festgestellt dass ich da ein paar Fehler gemach habe ;) Bei den Tunneln habe ich sowieso improvisiert, weil ich kein vernünftiges Muster gefunden habe, wie man Korsettstäbe am besten anordnet. Die Schnittmusteranleitung sagt bloß "bone as usual"... :D
