Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2015

More Doubleface!

I recently read that if you want to accomplish something, you shouldn't talk about it, because simply telling other people of your plans gives you a similar sense of satisfaction as actually finishing it, thus diminishing your motivation. I've had that happen way too many times, so here's my recent knitting without telling you (yet) what I plan to do with it ;)

The first picture is always of the front, the second of the back, at least unless I change my mind later on. The patterns for these four blocks I made myself using this tool and images I found on the internet. (I didn't remember to bookmark the source. I know, I'm bad. I'm so sorry.)

These patterns actually came from ravelry (they have a lot of doubleface-usable patterns, if you look into the filet crochet patterns ;) ) and I expanded them so they would have a 50 stitches x 50 rows size, because that seemed like a reasonable size for my blocks.
I transfered all patterns into excel (by hand) and am currently working on some more. If I ever finish what I had in mind for these, I'll upload a couple of files with patterns etc. Until then, I'll be knitting ;)

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